Alfson, Jonathan, Emigh, Paul, Gire, Elizabeth (2023). Analyzing the functions of multiple external representations of electric potential. PERC2023-AlfsonContributedPoster.pdf (975.59 KB) |
Alfson, Jonathan (2023). Identifying Science Practices in an Upper-Division E&M Activity. ALFSON-AAPTSum2023.pdf (1.12 MB) |
Gire, Elizabeth, Manogue, Corinne, Hahn, Kelby, Frye, Adam (2023). Kinesthetic Activities for Learning Quantum Mechanics. AAPT Su2023 Kinesthetic.pdf (24.59 MB) |
Gire, Elizabeth (2023). Making Sense of Quantum Mechanics with the Languages of Physics. PromotionColloquium 2023.pdf (43.56 MB) |
Solorio, Christian, Gire, Elizabeth, Roundy, David (2023). Quantum Mechanics Students’ Understanding of “Discrete”, and “Continuous”. AAPTW2023_Talk_Solorio.pdf (903.94 KB) |
Emigh, Paul (2023). Replacing Pre-class Textbook Readings with Videos. AAPT Talk Wi 2023.pdf (800.32 KB) |
Alfson, Jonathan, Emigh, Paul, Gire, Elizabeth (2023). Roles of External Representations in Upper-Division Electrostatics Problem-Solving. ALFSON_AAPTWM2023_0.pdf (1.29 MB) |
Emigh, Paul, Krishna, Sujata, Liao, Jiehong, Kita, Katsuhiro, Casey, Jennifer, Nissen, Jayson (2023). Student belonging in STEM courses that use group work. OSU Dept. of Physics. 2023_PERC_SoloStatus.pdf (417.87 KB) |
Dray, Tevian, Manogue, Corinne (2023). Vector Line Integrals in Mathematics and Physics. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. |