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Current Projects

[This page is currently in development, not all projects are present yet]

Generative AI and Creativity in Computational Physics

The goal of this project is to characterize how students use generative AI (gen-AI) in the computational physics course offerings at OSU. We are trying to identify how to support students to use gen-AI in ways that enable them to express creativity and learn computational physics.

Through ongoing curriculum development and primarily qualitative research methods, the project team has begun to explore different ways that students use gen-AI creatively. In the long term, we are aiming to produce a set of curricular guidelines for integrating gen-AI in support of creativity in computing-integrated STEM courses, including strategies for updating curricula as gen-AI continues to evolve through technological advancements. 



NSF DUE Grant No. 2417052 ($393,865.00)




Transfer Student Advocacy and Institutional Change

In Fall 2024, we formed a group of physics transfer students and faculty members who meet on a regular basis to learn about institutional change processes, build a shared understanding of the challenges facing transfer students in OSU's physics department, and develop a unified vision for a more transfer-supportive physics department.

The team, recently coined as the Transfer Advocacy Alliance for Physics Success (TAAPS), continues to meet, gather support and input from other physics students and faculty, and build a plan for a physics transfer student peer mentorship program. The long term goal of the group is building sustainability into TAAPS and the peer mentorship program. 

Research on this project, though still being designed, will aim to learn from the perspectives of transfer students and others who play key roles in the transfer process, and work together with them to shape and implement institutional change on a departmental level.





Transgender STEM Graduate Student Experiences

This project, currently in an initial exploratory phase, aims to construct a landscape of trans STEM graduate student experiences at OSU and more broadly. We will use ethnographic research methods to construct both individual narratives of trans graduate students and broader characterizations of the challenges and supports they experience in their STEM graduate programs. 

Based on establishing trusting relationships with participants, we will generate the contextual details needed to characterize the different impacts of personal histories, interpersonal relationships, local places, graduate programs, institutional norms, anti-trans legislation, political climates, and more. Furthermore, the we are planning to invite ongoing connections with the research participants and work with them co-construct and member-check the findings of this research.


